My Addiction to Caffeine (and how I lived to tell about it)

Ahh…that first sip feeling.

A good cup of coffee. It’s not just a cup of coffee…it’s an experience for all the senses. The warmth in my hands. The aroma as I bring it close to my face. The slightly bitter, but creamy flavor as a take that first sip. Bliss!

Photo by Mike Kenneally

My Addiction to Caffeine (and how I lived to tell about it)

By Kyla Jacobo, DPT

Ahh…that first sip feeling.

A good cup of coffee. It’s not just a cup of coffee…it’s an experience for all the senses. The warmth in my hands. The aroma as I bring it close to my face. The slightly bitter, but creamy flavor as a take that first sip. Bliss!

Actually for me, it wasn’t coffee…it was espresso. Latte, cappuccino, doppio espresso.  I loved the bold flavor and velvety crema. I had a routine each morning of packing the grounds, choosing a demitasse mug from my collection, and brewing the perfect cup of espresso. If I had the time…and if the kids were not asleep…I would steam some milk, which is an art in itself. Not too hot. Create foam, but not too much. Tilt the container at just the right angle. It wasn’t just coffee, it was a ritual in which I participated that brought great pleasure. 

I was a self-proclaimed coffee connoisseur…as in trying various styles of coffee and different coffee shops in places I visited…mostly just to get my coffee fix!

One of my favorite places to do this was Carmel, a quaint little town that is home to a multitude of art galleries, restaurants, and boutiques. Flaherty’s is a must stop for a bowl of clam chowder and oysters.

Carmel is a coastal town, so the weather is typically brisk with the smell of salt water in the air. It doesn’t take long for my coffee craving to set in. There are a few local cafes to choose from, but I head to my favorite coffee shop on Ocean Avenue. The line is usually long, but it’s worth the wait for a decadent pastry and warm, creamy latte. 

Sounds lovely, right?

But like anything…too much of a good thing can be bad. 

It was Mother’s Day. We decided to take a hike up to Yosemite Falls with some friends. The plan was to start early, hike up to the falls, and then grab an early dinner. While I should have been concerned about proper hydration and nutrition to get me through the rigorous hike, my mind was focused on coffee. There were no coffee shops along the trails of Yosemite National Park where I could get a latte or a quick shot of espresso. Not even a convenient store to grab a cup of stale coffee for a caffeine fix. 

So I packed my own. Starbucks makes those little cans of espresso and cream. More sugar than I would normally care for…but perfect for my hike. While others were gulping down water on the dry, hot day, I was drinking espresso. 

Now don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing inherently wrong with drinking an espresso. The problem lies in the dependence on caffeine. I knew that if I didn’t have caffeine during the hike, my head would be pounding and I would feel terrible. My fun Mother’s Day excursion would turn into a dreadful, miserable experience. And this was not unique to my hiking trip. My preoccupation with coffee was a common theme in any vacation or family function we attended…and my day to day routine seemed to revolve around my next cup of joe.

Enough was enough!

It was at that moment that I decided to stop drinking coffee. First, I tried to slowly wean off with the hopes that my body would adapt to the new routine. I even attempted to replace coffee with green tea in order to lower the caffeine content. That failed miserably. I was still getting the excruciating headaches and still craving my coffee ritual. 

So I went cold turkey! 

The first week was brutal! I gave my coveted espresso machine to a family member so I would not be tempted. I tried to drink lots of water and relied on an occasional Advil to dampen the pounding headache. As time went on, I began to have some serious withdrawals. My back was hurting up and down my spine, such that I could not find a comfortable position. I had difficulty sleeping due to the back pain and anxiously got up at night to pace the bedroom. I can recall one night feeling so nauseous as though I may throw up. When I leaned over, my head began to spin and I nearly fell. 

Now, mind you…this withdrawal was not from one morning cup of coffee. This was from a decade long addiction to 2-3 double shots of espresso every day, even more at times.  Also keep in mind that caffeine affects people differently based on a particular gene that we all have. This gene will determine the speed in which our body metabolizes caffeine, thus our sensitivity to it. 

If you find yourself becoming dependent on caffeine, take inventory on how often you drink it and how you feel when you don’t have it. Like me, you may be a slow metabolizer of caffeine, which requires you to be more cognizant of your intake. I now limit myself to one cup of coffee in the morning. While I would love to have a second…or third!…cup, I remember the hellish week I had. If it’s after 10 am, I’ll take some water or kombucha instead!


Green Love

My husband recently inspired the name green love for the smoothie I am notorious for making and serving to my family. When the complaints about the bitter taste or viscous texture are voiced, which they inevitably are, I usually respond with something like…

“It’s good for you”…


“This makes your body strong and healthy”…

Green Love
Photo by Jan Sedivy

Green Love

By Kyla Jacobo, DPT

My husband recently inspired the name green love for the smoothie I am notorious for making and serving to my family. When the complaints about the bitter taste or viscous texture are voiced, which they inevitably are, I usually respond with something like…

“It’s good for you”…


“This makes your body strong and healthy”…

But this morning my husband took a different approach. He said, “This smoothie is love. Your mom loves us so much that she makes this for us every day”. And thus the name was born.

Green love.

It was perfect. Like love in a cup. 

My smoothie represents my love for my family, as it nourishes them and promotes good health. It’s not always easy to get kids to drink something green, bitter, and void of the sugary sweetness they have come to love. But we cannot give up. Throw in a few strawberries or blueberries, or maybe even a dash of honey to make it more palatable. The more fruits and veggies kids are introduced to, the more they will be willing to eat them. 

Tip: Start out by serving the kids a small amount in a shot glass to get them used to the flavor.  Place an orange slice by the glass as a ‘chaser’ if they don’t like the flavor. It makes it fun, taste better, and also provides some Vitamin C!

To broaden our understanding, we can look at green love through the lens of a physiological and environmental perspective. A blender full of vibrant fruits and vegetables represents a love for the human body and its divine creation. It is the respect and willingness to provide our cells with the nutrients they need to function optimally. It is the understanding that our bodies cannot thrive on sugar laden, processed foods that wreak havoc in our bodies and on our world. 

Not only are smoothies like green love good for our bodies, but they help the environment as well. The industrialized farming system mass produces corn and soybean to create many of the processed foods we see in grocery stores. However, that system has come to value quantity over quality, which degrades the nutrients in the food and the health of the environment. These processed foods at the very least, are void of nutrients, and at worst, contain ingredients that make us sick. 

The author Michael Pollan said, “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants”. So why not trade your morning bowl of cereal for a green smoothie? Imagine if we all lived by Pollan’s rule…we would live in a much healthier world.

All of this from just a smoothie? Yes! My kids don’t realize the depth of meaning behind a green smoothie. But it’s like many things we teach them…instill it now with the hopes of a light bulb moment of understanding in the future. 

My green love smoothies sometimes varies based on the ingredients I have in the house, but  my go to recipe is as follows:

2 cups water

Large handful spinach

Large handful kale

1 whole cucumber

1 frozen banana

3-4 frozen strawberries

¼ cup frozen blueberries

Happy blending!

Getting My Hands Dirty

Growing up in California, I have grown accustomed to an abundance of produce at my fingertips. The colorful blossoms lining the road are just a hint of the beauty that is to come. My favorites are the crisp, white peaches and the sweet, orange clementines that my family affectionately refers to as ‘nature’s candy’. Farmer’s markets and produce stands pop up throughout town, offering fresh produce, local honey, and homemade cheeses.

Getting My Hands Dirty

By Kyla Jacobo, DPT

Growing up in California, I have grown accustomed to an abundance of produce at my fingertips. The colorful blossoms lining the road are just a hint of the beauty that is to come. My favorites are the crisp, white peaches and the sweet, orange clementines that my family affectionately refers to as ‘nature’s candy’. Farmer’s markets and produce stands pop up throughout town, offering fresh produce, local honey, and homemade cheeses. 

Sounds pretty great, right?

But I wanted more…

I wanted to get my hands dirty. I wanted to know exactly where my produce came from. What was put in the soil?  What was sprayed (or not sprayed) on the crops? And most importantly, I wanted my kids to see that fruits and vegetables are not just something you pick up in the produce aisle of the grocery store. 

I wanted them to be a part of planting, watering, and picking our vegetables. I wanted them to get excited about eating the foods that nourish their bodies. I wanted them to get their hands dirty, too.

So…I drew up plans for two raised bed vegetable gardens in our backyard!

It was quite the adventure.

I never imagined it would take 15 large bags of organic soil to fill such a small area…and I never knew how heavy those bags could be! 

After a lot of sweat and hard work, we were ready to plant our seedlings. My son and I took a trip to the nearby nursery. I loved seeing the excitement on his face as we picked out all types of lettuce, herbs, tomatoes, and other vegetables.

My kids were a part of the whole process, which made it all the more special. Each day we would rush out to see what veggies mother nature had given us. We eagerly picked it and rationed it between the 4 of us…just so we could all taste the fruits of our labor.

I have much to learn about gardening. My hope is that my garden will be larger and more fruitful with each passing year. But my first experience taught me that the earth is what gives us life. The soil, the sun, the rain. It nourishes us, sustains us, gives us health and prevents chronic disease. I believe it was of Divine design.

So often in our lives of convenience, we lose sight of this. So today…take a moment, reflect on the miracle that is Earth, and get your hands dirty.